Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Father in Heaven, thank you for making your children believers, not beggars. Your Word is our foundation, the light unto our paths. May we be strengthened in our hearts and minds today. Knowing through your Word, the Bible instructs us in who we are as your Child! May we find solace and love in our daily reading of your love letter to us, written as a blessing and road map for life, to allow us as Christians to see ourselves as you do.
Develop in us a Warrior spirit to be more than a conqueror, complete in you, loved unconditionally.
Let us be assured as we walk in obedience to you Word, and we are blessed and redeemed by your life, light, and love forever and ever, Amen!
Written by Rev. Sheila Zellers
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