“If you take care of the sowing, God takes care of the growing.”
The Seed you sow is the Seed you grow???
Offerings are different from the Tithe; God requires the tithe as an act of obedience in the Christians life. The offering is an act of our free will to deem something valuable enough to give into it or support it with our free will funds. God gives us the ability to make, acquire and control money in our lives. When a person tithes they are displaying belief in God's word and relationship to Him as Father.
Offerings can display the inward heart attitude. As we give we can expect God to continue to meet our needs. A believer who gives what is required from God will never be forsaken. As we obey God's Word there will never be a time in our lives He will not take care of every need we will ever face.
The tithe is commanded by God, the offering is a choice of your will. Man's will can be a strange bird when it comes to letting go of funds not required by God. A person must decide to release or hold on to their seed. We can decide to bless or to hold back? The choice is yours??
The will is centered in the soul of man, (the mind, will and emotions). When God ask of His children to give, He will give more back than one could ever imagine. We should never give out of need but out of our love for God.
Once one can grasp the power behind the blessing in an offering, they will search out ministries to bless. Tithes are needed to operate the church, but the offerings fund ministries and benevolence around the world. It is not about a natural return, but the supernatural change in lives!
I pray today you will see the blessing of tithing and free will offerings in your life. You are invited by God to invest into the Kingdom of God, to share in the spreading the Good News and changing lives around the world.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matt. 6:33
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Gal. 6:7
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