It is time for you to be all God created you to be here and now, not later! You were not created to reach a destiny in Christ. You were created to have relationship; which, each and every moment will transform you into His image. You were created to be in His presence 24/7.
Jeremiah 29:11-12 (NIV) 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
Listen Carefully... I know He has a plan for your life, but do YOU know He has a plan for your life?
We can be so caught up in the pain and stress of life that we miss the voice of God. The only way to reach your destiny in Christ is to hear and obey His Word, His voice.
God desires to speak life and more abundant life to you as you spend time with Him. Listen and hear His plan and direction for your life here on this earth.
This is so crucial - listening and obeying the voice of God is the key to deliverance, breakthrough, miracles, and prosperity. Your destiny and life, the life which Christ paid for, is in hearing what the Spirit of God is saying to you and the Church universal. You CAN and WILL be all God created you to be for HIS glory in Jesus name!
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28
What voice have you been listening to ? What , or maybe I should ask, who has hindered you from being all God created you to be? I know for sure God is not the one. Satan may be the one, or could it be our own self keeping you from your destiny?
You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? Gal. 5:7
Many Christians love to blame Satan for what is not happening in their lives, but from my experience most of the time it is more likely an excuse than blame. The Garden was the first place the blame game started. Satan duped the woman into believing she could be like God if she would eat of the forbidden tree, when in fact she already was, because she knew no evil, no sin, no shame, no rejection and no pain. Adam and Eve were taken care of with every care of the world. She could eat from every other tree but the Tree of Life. God said, “of this one you are not to eat”. She wanted because she believed a lie that she was not like God.
The first time man rejected God’s direction was the first time man would know shame( In The Garden Of Eden). Shame could not come until there was sin in man’s heart. Then, not only did man and woman have shame but they had fear before they walked with God in the cool of the day.
Who told you that you were naked? Who told you that you would never reach your destiny - your created purpose in God and His Word? Whose lies have you believed to think you can never reach the plans, purpose and destiny God has for you?
I am here to tell you … YOU can be all God created, planned and purposed you to be ! No matter where you have been, what you have or have not done, what someone else might have done to you, decree that you will be all God has called, anointed and appointed you to be for His glory!
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Col. 2:10
I have achieved many goals in life, including personal, ministry and business. All of them will pass away, however, the only thing which will remain is the Spiritual seeds that produce life after God’s kind. God is not as interested in your destiny on earth as much as He desires you to have relationship with HIM. The God of the universe desires to walk with you (leading and guiding you), to talk with you and produce through you for His glory.
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